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Worshiping in Season: Ecology and Christ Through the Liturgical Year

Joseph Bush in Worshiping in Season has spread a banquet before us in this wondrous work blending our worship with our awareness of the world in which we worship. Like a good host, he has done the shopping well in advance, using ingredients from throughout the tradition, from scripture to the fathers and mothers of the faith, to contempoushrary voices. He has prepared a sort of "fusion" cuisine, profoundly ecumenical in scope, and respectful of each tradition, but putting them deftly in dialogue with each other. The various courses of the liturgical year provide a detailed exploration of the doctrine and the moods that the church lays before us in exploring the mystery of Christ's incarnation and paschal sacrifice and resurrection as they illuminate the world we dwell in and strive to care for. At the end of each chapter, he gives us the tools to prepare rich fare for our individual communities of worship. This work will be a source of nourishment for years to come, helping its readers to see the intersection of God's creation, Christ's salvific life, death and resurrection, the church's worship, and the lives of Christian communities and individuals. – Michael G. Witczak, Catholic University of America

Gentle Shepherding: Pastoral Ethics and Leadership

"In Gentle Shepherding, Joseph Bush has written a thoughtful and thorough text in pastoral ethics. Working 'from the middle,' Bush artfully weaves together a solid ethical framework with practical guidance for all dimensions of ministry practice." --Christie Cozad Neuger

Practical Theology in Church and Society

"Could there be anything more practical than having a method for reflective practice that takes the dialectical interplay of faith, theory, and social context seriously so we may live out our calling and minister with integrity and effectiveness? Joseph E. Bush Jr. has articulated such a method and, again, has kept us indebted by producing another significant work in practical theology. It's my privilege to welcome it!" --Eleazar S. Fernandez, President and Professor of Theology, Union Theological Seminary in the Philippines

Brimming With God: Reflecting Theologically on Cases in Ministry. Edited by Barbara J. Blodgett and Matthew Floding

"Here is a book that shows you how theological reflection works. Using a variety of approaches, expert practitioners demonstrate how to theologically think about concrete, particular ministry situations. This is practical thinking that matters for the church. Every theological educator can benefit from this group of master practitioners." --Kathleen A. Cahalan